So, what do you guys think : General Thoughts
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So, what do you guys think

by Mark Masterson on 09/29/15

So what do you guys think?

Comments (4)

1. Sam said on 8/30/16 - 09:50AM
2. Mark said on 8/30/16 - 01:45PM
And, why do you think it's interesting
3. Joe Pereira said on 1/10/17 - 12:44PM
After retiring from a 43 year career as a truckdriver I can say unequivocally that my last 10 years working for Wizard were the most memorable and lucrative. Ive never felt more comfortable, secure, and made to feel part of the "team" as I did working for MarkMasterson and the Wizard family. I want to thank you Mark For always being there for me as an employee and a friend. Please extend my regards to my former coworkere and your family.
4. Mark said on 1/10/17 - 01:19PM
That was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said! It was officially the only thing anyone has ever said as well! hahahaha Thank you so much Joe. You were a teammate and an irreplaceable one as well. They don't make them like you anymore. Hope you are doing well.

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